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Your Pet’s Gut Health: The Invisible Threat

Over 10% of pets now suffer from mysterious GI issues, with a groundbreaking index developed by Texas A&M offering new hope for early detection and treatment, changing the game for veterinary care.

dysbiosis in pets


  • Researchers at the Gastrointestinal Laboratory (GI Lab) at Texas A&M University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences recently developed and validated a Dysbiosis Index (DI) to assist veterinarians in assessing chronic GI dysfunction in dogs
  • Dysbiosis (aka “leaky gut”) describes a disruption in the gut microbiome, typically a reduction in microbial diversity characterized by a loss in beneficial bacteria; leaky gut syndrome can lead to a long list of GI and other disorders
  • A primary cause of dysbiosis in dogs (and cats) is overuse of antibiotics; other contributors include an ultraprocessed diet, parasitic infections, and over-vaccination
  • Successfully resolving dysbiosis in dogs involves addressing the diet and providing appropriate supplements; probiotics play a crucial role in both preventing and treating leaky gut syndrome and antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal side effects

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