Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
Every scoop of kibble you feed your pet could be contaminated with this type of pathogenic bacteria. Find out how to keep yourself and your family safe.
This can trigger an avalanche of four big risks from one simple feeding indiscretion — leading to irreversible pain and suffering. And if you gave your pet this choice, here's what she'll tell you — loud and clear. Don't let this mistake steal precious years of time with your pet.
Combined with the high amounts found in 8 out of 10 pet food brands, a 10-pound puppy would be exposed to 3.5 times the EPA's standard for this mineral. Larger pets would get even more. And more is not good as excessive exposure may be linked to bone cancer and 16 other serious conditions.
How do you know when it's time to say goodbye? As pets get older, the human-animal bond gets stronger, so it only becomes more difficult to make that final decision. This seven-point scale can help you know when it's time to stop asking your pet to bear the burden of living and unbridle his body.
It hasn't taken off in the veterinary community like in human medicine, but that doesn't mean it's not just as useful a measure as temperature, pulse and respiration. Some say it should become the fourth vital sign. At a minimum, it can reveal a lot about your pet's health to you.
Studies show it's useful for managing pain and mobility problems due to arthritis, and pet owners are even reporting success with anxiety, behavior issues and seizure disorders. But don't expect your vet to suggest it or even discuss it with you. Here's what you need to know about its safe usage.
Still shunned by traditional medicine. Yet statistically, 25% of dogs respond splendidly to it, another 50% enjoy dramatic success. It even saves animals from a lifetime of paralysis and probable euthanasia - restoring their ability to walk, and so much more.
Watching for these changes with your pet's nose can be an important indicator of health. Several medical conditions can actually affect the appearance of your dog's or cat's nose. Know what a healthy nose looks like, and the signs of a problem.