Food Facts is a directory of foods for your pets. This destination provides you with valuable information about various types of foods for your pets, so you’ll know which ones are safe to add to their healthy, species-appropriate meals or treats.
Known for its juicy, sweet taste, this fruit's popularity shouldn't come as a surprise. But did you know that it's loaded with bioactive compounds that may help boost your pet's immunity?
Summer salads wouldn't be complete without this crispy green veggie. Although it's 90% water, it still offers nutrients that may help support your pet's well-being.
It can be added to smoothies, desserts, pies — and to your pet's food bowl! Not only is this fruit rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, but it also contains a component that may help whiten your pet's teeth, for a brighter smile. Find out how to safely give it to your pets.
It's one of the best types of foods you can share with pets, as it's loaded with antioxidants that can boost immunity, slow down aging and promote mitochondrial health.
Can be offered raw to your pet for an extra crunch, this leafy veggie contains a wealth of bioactive compounds that may support your pet's health in various ways. Dive deep into its health benefits here!
A staple in many cuisines worldwide, this well-loved culinary herb offers not only flavor but also beneficial phytonutrients that may help protect against oxidation, inflammation and more. Find out how you can add it to your pet’s meal.
Commonly added to pizza and pasta sauces for its minty and earthy flavor and aroma, this herb can be lightly sprinkled over your pet's meals for an antioxidant boost. It can even be used as an ingredient in their favorite treats. Have you tried using it yet?
Popular during the holidays, this sweet and savory nut offers an array of health-boosting nutrients and bioactive compounds, and the good news is you can also share it as a healthy treat with your pet this season of giving!
A popular ingredient added to pastry, jams and jellies, this sweet but slightly tart fruit will add color, flavor and antioxidants to your pet's food bowl. Make sure to remove the pits before feeding!