Food Facts is a directory of foods for your pets. This destination provides you with valuable information about various types of foods for your pets, so you’ll know which ones are safe to add to their healthy, species-appropriate meals or treats.
Packed full of nutrients like phytochemicals and vitamins C, K and E, this brown, egg-shaped fruit offers more than meets the eye. Did you know it contains a special enzyme that may help with your pet's digestion, too?
A quintessential spring vegetable, this tasty green spear offers prebiotics for a healthy microbiome, as well as antioxidants for better defense against diseases. Find out how to offer it to your pet.
This yellow citrus fruit is used in many culinary creations, but did you know you can use it for your pet's meals as well? Learn how to offer it to your pet here.
With small, rounded leaves packed with nutrients and phytochemicals, this vegetable has grown in popularity in recent years because of its healing properties. Here's how it can benefit your pet's health.
Well-loved during warm seasons because of its thirst-quenching juiciness, this lycopene-rich fruit makes for a refreshing pet treat that can also provide many beneficial nutrients. Read this to find out how you can feed it to your pet in the healthiest way possible.
Served properly and obtained from the right sources, this oily saltwater fish contains healthy fats that can help boost your pet's health, while being a scrumptious snack.
Juicy, refreshing and rich in potent antioxidants, this member of the citrus family offers benefits to your pet's health, if they'll eat it, but make sure to serve it without the peel. Learn more about its benefits and how to offer it to pets here.
They may look like giant raisins, but they're not; in fact, they can be safely shared with pets. Just make sure to give them in very small quantities, as they have high amounts of sugar.