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The Chemicals You Are Unknowingly Exposing to Your Pet

Groundbreaking FDA action reveals a disturbing source of danger to your pets, hidden within the very place designed to keep their food fresh.

pfas in dog and cat food packaging


  • In February 2024, the FDA announced the welcome news that grease-proofing substances containing Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are no longer being sold by manufacturers for food contact use in the U.S. market, including the pet food market
  • Both humans and animals absorb PFAS, and the chemicals remain in the body for many years, if not for life; health risks associated with PFAS include increased testicular and kidney cancer and infertility
  • Research has also uncovered a possible link between PFAS blood levels and hyperthyroidism in cats 10 years and older; these chemicals have also been linked to other endocrine problems as well as immune system dysregulation
  • In late 2022, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a report that demonstrated the presence — at high levels in some cases — of PFAS in pet food bags; these chemicals and also ubiquitous in the environment (air, soil, drinking water, household dust)
  • There are several steps you can take to limit your family’s exposure to PFAS; also consider taking action to reduce your animal companion’s chemical load

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