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Feeling Empowered to Do What’s Best for Your Pet

The sage advice from our latest Game Changer nominee, Dr. Robin Soifer, is all about empowering yourself with knowledge, and then going with what your heart tells you to do. That's just one way this wise veterinarian is making a difference in the lives of animals and their people.

dr robin soifer integrative veterinarian


  • Today’s Pet Game Changer is holistic veterinarian Dr. Robin Soifer, whose mobile practice covers the Flathead Valley and Kalispell, MT
  • Dr. Robin is a bit older than most recent graduates and knew entering veterinary school that it would serve primarily as a jumping off point for the holistic and integrative practice she envisioned
  • Dr. Robin’s clients deeply appreciate that she walks alongside them, regardless of where their animals are on their life journey

My guest today is holistic veterinarian Dr. Robin Soifer, who was nominated for a Game Changer award by Lyn K. Dr. Robin provides a mobile veterinary service in an area of Montana known as the Flathead Valley.

Dr. Robin begins our conversation by letting me know that she watched some of my Game Changer interviews as she was finishing up veterinary school, and they helped provide her with inspiration and positivity. That’s always wonderful to hear!

A Never-Ending Search for Knowledge

Since she’s a recent vet school graduate, I asked Dr. Robin when she knew she wanted to incorporate integrative care into her veterinary practice.

“I'm unique in that I graduated knowing I would follow this path,” she replies. “In fact, I knew it going into vet school, which I started late in life. I graduated in 2020, during COVID, so I didn't even have a graduation. I knew going in that I wanted something different, but I also knew that conventional veterinary school training was what I needed to get to the next step. It's a never-ending search for knowledge.
I had heard of an acupuncture training course with the Chi Institute, and decided I would do that first, especially since they offer scholarships. I had received acupuncture treatments myself. I thought it made so much difference, and I was passionate about it. So, that was my first track.
I'm a single mother in addition to being older than most recent graduates. I understand that I can get overloaded, but being a single mom has helped me look realistically at how much I can do.
Anyway, acupuncture was my first step, but I knew it was going to be but one tool in my toolbox, because healing and transformation requires multiple modalities and looking at multiple facets of life, not just the physical. I’m embarking on a homeopathic journey now, so that's fun, and I’ve had other training in energetics.”

Helping Animals Also Helps Their Humans

I asked Dr. Robin what she loves most about her work.

“I love helping animals and their people because they're connected,” she says. “That's the tough part of being a vet because you're not just treating the animal. You have to look at the entire situation. I love it when a client whose animal I’m treating starts to eat better and starts focusing on themselves and their own healing. I really enjoy that.
Of course, we all love it when we get positive responses from our treatments, but sometimes, it's not about that. Sometimes it's about helping an animal have a good death, or a better quality of life for the time they have left. It can be a struggle to maintain a sense of calm, but it’s important to realize that you're doing the best you can, and every life journey is different.”

Lyn, who nominated Dr. Robin for a Game Changer award wrote, “From my horses to my dogs, they all love her, and so do I. She's an incredibly welcome addition to our area.” I got the sense from Lyn that what she loves most about her relationship with Dr. Robin is that she feels she’s walking alongside her. She mentioned that she had to put her horse down, and how incredibly difficult it was.

When there are no cures left, walking beside our clients, supporting them, and giving their animals the best transition possible is an invaluable gift. It’s quite clear that Dr. Robin’s clients are incredibly thankful for her.

Learn and Feel Empowered

Finally, I asked Dr. Robin what one thing she would like to tell the world if she had the chance.

“We're all unique beings, all of us, and no one treatment modality is going to work for every being,” she says. “I just want people to be empowered by knowledge, that's why I love you, Dr. Becker. I send videos to my clients all the time that are you helping to educate people. I just want them to educate themselves, and be empowered with knowledge, and go with what their heart tells them.
If they get advice that doesn’t feel right, they shouldn’t follow it. Take a moment, breathe, look into it. Know you have the power. You know your pet best. We can only help supply the knowledge and possible steps to move forward, but in the end, you have to make that decision and feel good about it. Just know that you have the power to help your animal.”

If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Robin’s mobile practice, you can find her on Facebook at Down to Earth Holistic Vet.

Do you know an animal professional or rescuer who's making a difference in the animal world? Nominate them for a Pet Game Changer award to honor their inspiring work!

(Nominees are chosen by our community. Interviews with selected nominees are not endorsements of the individuals or their organizations.)

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Today's Pet Video:

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