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The Tail Wagging Mystery Unraveled

Dive deep into the science behind your dog's tail wagging. It's not just a sign of happiness; discover the hidden meanings and evolutionary secrets behind this complex canine behavior.

tail wagging in dogs


  • An opinion piece published in Biology Letters calls into question some long-held beliefs about tail wagging
  • A propensity for tail wagging may be one characteristic of "domestication syndrome," along with floppy ears, curly tails and white fur patches
  • During the domestication process, humans may have inadvertently selected for dogs that wagged their tails more often due to our brains' preference for rhythmic stimuli
  • Tail wagging in dogs could also have been selected during domestication as a direct expression of docility and friendliness
  • Wagging is associated with both positive and negative arousal, and may be correlated with arousal-related hormones and neurotransmitters

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