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Groundbreaking: New Category Added to Top Pet Toxins List

For the first time ever, this category of pet toxins has been added to the official ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center's annual list of top toxins. And it's about time, as a recent survey shows this category has become the most frequent cause of poisoning, especially for dogs.

top pet toxins list


  • For the first time ever, recreational drugs such as marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms, and cocaine have been included on the list of top toxins for pets
  • In the five years leading up to 2022, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center saw a nearly 300% increase in calls for potential marijuana ingestion by pets
  • Other items on the pet toxins list include human OTC and prescription medications, foods including chocolate, veterinary products, plants, and household toxins
  • If you know or suspect your pet has ingested a toxin, immediately call your veterinarian, the nearest emergency animal hospital, or an animal poison control center

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