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Why Your Pet's 'Stinky Dog' Smell Won't Go Away

If your dog has a persistent unpleasant or strong smell, he may have an issue with his skin. More common in dogs with unbalanced immune systems, this opportunistic infection can grow uncontrollably. Know the signs of infection and the No. 1 treatment to control it.

yeast infections in dogs

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  • Many dogs suffer from yeast infections of the skin and ears; they’re often caused by a type of yeast known as Malassezia pachydermatis (M. pachydermatis)
  • It’s normal for these organisms to inhabit your dog’s skin, but when they begin to reproduce uncontrollably, infection develops
  • If your dog is immunocompromised or on antibiotic therapy, she may be unable to control yeast overgrowth
  • The most common spot for yeast infections is the ears; itching is a common yeast infection symptom, which can range from mild to severe
  • The most important element to addressing a chronic yeast infection is diet; dogs with yeast need an "anti-yeast diet," which is also anti-inflammatory and species-specific
  • You’ll also need to disinfect that area of your dog’s body where the yeast is present on a regular basis, via ear cleaning, bathing and/or foot soaks
  • Many dogs with yeast infections improve solely from dietary changes and baths two to three times a week; it takes time and dedication but is effective and less toxic than using antifungal drugs

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