
These articles feature Dr. Becker’s interviews with experts from different fields, all sharing the same passion and advocacy to improve the health and welfare of animals around the world. Gain valuable wisdom and insights from these amazing individuals, and become the best advocate you can be for your pet!
Ann Beyke
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Seeking Counseling to Heal From the Passing of Your Pet

There's a great misconception that grieving over the passing of a pet is unjustified because a pet isn't human. Sadly, this can lead people to judge themselves harshly - and prevent them from reaching out for support - when they feel an intense, overwhelming sense of grief over their pet's passing.
6 min read
Moira Allen - coping when your pet passes
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Caring for Your Heart When Your Pet Passes

Is there a way to help ease the pain while caring for your end-of-life pet, and once he or she is gone? Find out how creating a memorial in honor of your pet can help, along with other tips for caring for yourself, including dealing with feelings of guilt and grief if you have chosen euthanasia.
8 min read