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Chestnuts: Share This Nutty Holiday Treat With Your Pet

Popular during the holidays, this sweet and savory nut offers an array of health-boosting nutrients and bioactive compounds, and the good news is you can also share it as a healthy treat with your pet this season of giving!

can you feed chestnuts to your pets


  • The most notable benefit of chestnuts lies in their rich antioxidant profile. Studies show the antioxidant content of chestnuts is higher than that of many other food crops
  • Chestnuts are a good source of antioxidants, including ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotenoids and phenolic compounds such as gallic and ellagic acids
  • Chestnuts contain betaine, a compound that acts as an osmolyte, facilitating water uptake and retention to protect the cell structure from damage, particularly in the kidneys and the gut
  • Chop, crush or mash chestnuts before serving them to your pet to avoid any choking risk. You can use them as an ingredient in your pet's nutritionally balanced, homemade meal or training treat, or as a food topper

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