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Why I Almost Never Recommend This Popular Go-To Food

Contrary to popular belief, it does not keep your pet's teeth clean. Nor does it provide good or even adequate nutrition. There's only one brand I can even feasibly recommend. Even then, you're substituting good for best. And doesn't your pet deserve the best?

why pet owners favor dry pet food


  • The good news is that more and more pet parents today are becoming better informed about healthy nutrition for their dogs and cats; the bad news is that kibble is still a very popular item on store shelves
  • Consumers like dry pet food because they mistakenly feel it’s healthier, keeps their pet’s teeth clean and also has a mild smell
  • Kibble absolutely does not keep pets’ teeth clean; raw diets, raw bones and tooth brushing do
  • Dry pet food is a very poor-quality diet for a variety of reasons, including poor-quality ingredients, high-heat processing methods, the inclusion of biologically inappropriate grains and/or starches and lack of moisture
  • Dogs and cats thrive when fed fresh, whole foods that mimic their ancestral diet

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