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How to Save Your Pets During Rapid-Onset Disasters

Preparing for the unexpected, including natural disasters, is essential for every pet owner. But sometimes even the best intentions aren't enough to save animals in the path of nature's wrath.

saving pets during rapid onset disasters


  • December 30, 2021, a wildfire destroyed more than 1,000 homes in Boulder County, Colorado in a matter of six hours
  • Many pet owners weren’t home when the fire broke out; roadblocks and dense smoke made returning to retrieve pets impossible
  • It’s estimated that more than 1,000 pets died in the disaster, which is known as the Marshall Fire
  • Several apps are now available or being developed that would connect pet owners who need help rescuing their pet; the apps allow people to post notifications about pets left in homes, so those nearby could rescue them in time
  • A report is also calling for research into pitfalls in the emergency notification system, which prevented many pet owners from returning home in time to rescue their pets

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