Served properly and obtained from the right sources, this oily saltwater fish contains healthy fats that can help boost your pet's health, while being a scrumptious snack.
Most people assume fungal infections with pets are limited to the skin, but certain types of fungi can enter the bloodstream and lungs and spread throughout the body, affecting bones and joints, eyes, liver, kidneys, heart and the central nervous system.
Juicy, refreshing and rich in potent antioxidants, this member of the citrus family offers benefits to your pet's health, if they'll eat it, but make sure to serve it without the peel. Learn more about its benefits and how to offer it to pets here.
Torpor is a state hamsters can enter when the temperature becomes too cool. It's an unnerving experience for new owners, as their pet may appear lifeless. Here's what you need to know about this normal response to certain environmental conditions, and what to avoid doing if it happens.
Does your dog struggle with behavioral disorders — whether rowdiness, storm or noise phobia, separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, or even boredom? This can put an end to the problems and make him into a happier pet — and you into a more satisfied pet parent.
It seems like the demand knows no bounds. They've grown hugely popular. Yet this sad mistake sets the stage for relinquishment and euthanasia. And what can you do if you already have one but are overwhelmed by empty promises you once believed?
They may look like giant raisins, but they're not; in fact, they can be safely shared with pets. Just make sure to give them in very small quantities, as they have high amounts of sugar.
Compared to their human sleeping partners, women rated dogs as less disruptive to sleep and better for comfort and security. The survey results support a growing number of studies that show sharing a bed with your dog can have significant benefits.