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Decoding Your Pet's Blood Test Results

Your pet's liver plays a critical role in her health, longevity and quality of life. A routine part of regular wellness exams, liver enzyme test values can change from one blood test to the next. How concerned should you be when your pet’s ALP, ALT, AST, bilirubin and albumin values rise or fall?

liver blood tests


  • Many pet parents are curious or even worried when their furry family member's blood test numbers change from one wellness visit to the next; this is especially true when liver values change, since savvy pet guardians understand the importance of this organ to their pet's health.
  • Changes in liver enzyme values are relatively common, and while any abnormal value should be investigated or at least closely watched, there are several variables to consider
  • The liver values most commonly measured in animals include ALP (alkaline phosphatase), ALT (alanine transaminase), AST (aspartate transaminase), GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase), bilirubin, and albumin
  • If an animal is showing signs of liver disease and the veterinarian cannot determine why, a definitive diagnosis often requires a biopsy; if your pet is seriously ill and other diagnostic tests return indefinite results, a biopsy may be the only remaining option to ensure your furry family member receives the help he or she needs

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